Duncan High school youth coalition
To empower youth with the tools to develop strategies aimed to reduce and prevent substance abuse among youth in Stephens County.
Our Goal:
Our Coalition’s current goal is to decrease vaping in the high school by 5% by the end of the 2022 school year.
Our overarching goal is to reduce substance abuse among youth and provide the community with prevention education and awareness.
Our members meet on a weekly basis taking actions to reach their goal.
2019-2020 Projects in Progress:
Presenting to the City Council for support to modifying alley loitering city ordinance policy to include community service and fines for kids caught in alleyways vaping, smoking and drinking
Modifying school policy to include stricter consequences for repeat offenders who are caught vaping, smoking and drinking on our around school property during school hours
Educating peers on the dangers of vaping
Visiting elementary schools to speak about prevention
Speaking to Civic, youth, churches and other groups to bring awareness of the challenges in Stephens County
Fundraising to help purchase vape detectors
4/20 Community Event
Red Ribbon Week Event
Kick Butts Event
If you would like to help their efforts, or are a student at Duncan High School interested in joining you can contact Onreka Johnson at ojohnson@wmpn.org or at 580-355-5246 ext. 103.