Hey y’all! We are officially halfway through 2020. June is the month we are sending away fluctuating spring weather, and welcoming fun summer. Are you guys ready for it? Have you guys been grilling, barbecuing, smoking in your backyard? I love smelling the barbecue while running at the walking trails.
Speaking of food, I think we need to have a serious talk about snacking. According to How America Eats (2019), almost half of us (47%) eat 3+ snacks daily, and 73% of the people are looking for snacks that can fill them up. I have to admit that we are all OBSESSED with snacking! As I pay more attention to my eating habits (like I have never before), I notice myself having the tendency to look for snacks at about the same time everyday, no matter if I am hungry or not.
I don’t know if you guys are with me here, but I think a careful plan MUST be done when it comes to snacking, otherwise, we can easily fall off the wagon. To make it less complicated, let’s look at snacks this way : A nutrient-dense snack = a little of protein + a little of fat + A LOT of fiber.
Here are some snack ideas:
1. Homemade baked zucchini crisps: it is simply an alternate version of chips made with thinly sliced zucchini. The recipe for the zucchini crisps is adapted from Damn Delicious. I highly recommended you to try this snack!

2. Apple pizza with nuts and dried fruits: If you are looking for a fun snack, this is for you. Apple slices spread with a decent amount of nut butter, then top with fruits, nuts, and dark chocolate chips. There is no recipe for this snack, just be creative with your topping(s).

3. Power snack bento box: this snack box is very flexible, all you need to do is pair with whatever you like, make sure you follow the general rule of nutrient-dense snack (See above). I made it with cheese cubes, nuts, berries, and sliced cucumber.

4. Chocolate covered almond stuffed dates: Next time when you are thinking of having a piece of chocolate, do consider this stuffed date recipe. There are many different dates available, but the recipe suggested to use pitted medjool dates (which is commonly found in the U.S.). Medjool dates are a sweet fruit, which contain fibers, vitamins, and minerals (such as potassium, vitamin B6, copper, magnesium, and manganese) (Al Bochi, 2018). According to Jessica (my co-worker), the chocolate covered almond stuffed date is a perfect afternoon treat (Two or three of stuffed dates will make your day).

5. Energy bites: There are many recipes available on the internet, in fact, VegUp food blog shared a recipe for energy bites by Kayla. I have made them countless times in the past. This time, I modified the recipe slightly by using chopped dried cranberries instead of chocolate chips; adding orange zest; omitting coconut flakes.

Al Bochi, R. (2018). The Many Health Benefits of Dates. Food & Nutrition. Retrieved from https://foodandnutrition.org/blogs/stone-soup/many-health-benefits-dates/